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Professional services
with years of experience

We work 24 hours a day,
7 days a week,
365 days a year!

Efficiency and


For clean and safe industry

3ns fabryka

3N Solutions company specializes in comprehensive maintenance of electrical equipment and cleaning of production premises.

3ns fabryka

Since 2010, we have been building experience and customer relations throughout the country, improving the safety and efficiency of electro-energy systems in our partners' facilities.

3ns fabryka

The most effective cleaning technology for electrical devices available on the market. Our technology is based on an innovative cleaning medium which consist of the unique gas mixture with a pressure not exceeding 0.5-1.5 bar.

Our services

Maintenance of electrical equipment

Maintenance of electrical devices is an essential element of proper maintenance in production plants. No downtime in production.

Cleaning of electrical appliances

We use technology based on an innovative cleaning medium, the main element of which is a mixture of gases specially prepared on the gas ramp of a technological car.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

The high pressure solutions we use enable cleaning and removal of concrete, corrosion, rust, paints, hard deposits and many other coatings that are difficult to remove. Using mobile aggregates and specialized nozzles, we can access places that are impossible to reach.

After-fire cleaning

Our dry gas mix technology allows to remove 100% of soot from components and saves up to 90% of them. The time to remove damage caused by fire is very short, and the components are restored to their functional state in less time than required for the replacement of burnt wiring.

Thermovision and electrical measurements

Comprehensive measurements of electrical and energy installations. As part of the service, we are able to prepare a report including an analysis of the technical condition of components based on thermography and electrical measurements.

Dlaczego 3n Solutions?

Increasing the service life of components

Elimination of the risk of downtime of technological lines

Elimination of the risk of downtime of technological lines

Removal of dirt from places inaccessible to other cleaning methods

Possibility to detect potential system failures during cleaning

Effective cleaning of up to 100 m2 of installation in 8 hours

Elimination of the risk of fire in electrical installations

Total safety sensitive system components such as integrated circuits, electronics, insulation

No chemicals are used




Technologies to individually tailor each customer, to find out more please contact us.

mobile +420 734 115 063

Gas mixture

The mixture reaches places inaccessible to traditional methods. At the same time, it is completely dry, does not cause moisture, does not react physically or chemically with the cleaned elements.



Ozonation is a method, that uses a gas - ozone (O3), sometimes called active oxygen, which is one of the most effective disinfectants known.


Hydrodynamic cleaning

Professional services for industry: Hydrodynamic cleaning, Vacuum loading of waste, vacuuming, Renovation of structures, Special engineering knowledge - tailor-made solutions.
