Privacy Policy

3N Solutions s.r.o. with its registered office in Most

  • General provisions
    • The Data Controller is 3N Solutions s.r.o. with its registered office in Most, Starý Most 1, 434 01 Most, IČ: 17963745, DIČ: CZ17963745. Registered in the Commercial Register, kept by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, Section C, Insert 50005., e-mail address:, tel. no.: +420 734 115 063 (further: “Controller“).
    • This Privacy Policy lays down the rules of processing and protection of personal data acquired in connection with the use of the website available at: (further: “Website”).
    • Personal data are processed by the Controller in accordance with governing provisions of the Polish and European law, including in particular in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (OJ EU L No 119, p. 1, further: “GDPR“”).
    • The use of the Website requires no registration on the part of the user and requires no transmission of any personal data. In connection with the use of the website, the Controller processes data about the user’s IP address, which are obtained automatically when the Controller’s Website is visited. The data are stored in the log file on the server. Such data are collected for technical reasons. Such data may be processed in combination with other personal data only if the user agrees to processing of their personal data or in cases prescribed by law.
  • Cookies policy
    • The Controller uses the so-called cookies mechanism on the Website. Cookies are IT data, in particular in the form of text files which are saved by servers on the terminal device of the user, and which can be retrieved by servers each time a connection from the terminal device is initiated.
    • The software used to browse web pages (Internet browser) allows storage of cookie files on the user’s terminal device by default. Users may change cookie file settings at any time, in particular in order to block the automatic handling of cookie files, in the settings of the Internet browser, or in order to be informed each time a cookie is placed on the device of the website user. Such a change may result in difficulties in using the Website.
    • For detailed information about the options and methods of handling cookie files, please see the settings of your Internet browser.
    • Most of the cookie files are the so-called session cookies, which are automatically deleted from the hard drive when the session ends, namely when the user logs off or closes the browser window. Some of the cookie files support user identification when the user visits the Website again, since such cookies are not deleted automatically.
    • The Controller uses the cookie file mechanism for information purposes only to facilitate the use of the Website and to make the use of Website more user-friendly, to customize the appearance of the Website and to collect anonymous, aggregated statistics on how the users use the Website. This is intended to improve the functionality and content of the Website.
  • Data processing
    • The Controller processes personal data in accordance with provisions of the law, in particular when:
      • the Controller has the user’s consent for processing of their personal data;
      • the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject;
      • the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller.
    • If the processing is based on the user’s consent, the user may withdraw consent for the processing of personal data at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal, and will not affect processing of personal data on the basis other than user’s consent.
    • Personal data will be stored for the period of time necessary to achieve the goals for which the data are processed.
  • Recipients of personal data
    • Personal data of users may be transferred to the following categories of recipients:
      • persons authorised by the Controller who are hired by the Controller or persons who cooperate with the Controller under civil law agreements;
      • data processors who process personal data by order of and on behalf of the Controller and to authorised persons hired by such data processors (e.g. services supplied by third parties, subcontractors, legal advisers, financial or accounting advisers, IT service providers, etc.);
      • state authorities or other public bodies in order to fulfil legal requirements.
    • Personal data of users will be transferred or made accessible with respect for users’ rights and in accordance with governing provisions of the law.
  • Means of protection of personal data
    • The Controller protects personal data of users against unauthorised third party access, and provides legal and organisational measures in accordance with governing provisions of the law to guarantee confidentiality of personal data of users and to guarantee that such data are used in the manner that prevents access to such data by unauthorised persons.
    • The Controller implements and applies adequate technical solutions to protect personal data of users. In particular, the Controller applies the technical and IT safeguards as well as physical safeguards of the highest quality.
  • User rights
    • Users may contact the Controller in matters concerning the personal data processed by the Controller:
      • in writing, to the address of the Controller’s registered office, 3N Solutions s.r.o., Starý Most 1, 434 01 Most;
      • by e-mail, to:
    • Users have the following rights under provisions of the GDPR:
      • the right to obtain confirmation whether their data are processed and the right to access the data;
      • the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
      • the right to rectification or the right to have incomplete or incorrect personal data completed;
      • the right not to be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling;
      • the right to object to processing;
      • the right to erase personal data in situations prescribed by the legislation;
      • the right to demand that the Controller restricts personal data processing in situations prescribed by the legislation.
  • Final provisions
    • The Controller reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy for important reasons. The Controller will communicate such amendments by publishing the contents of the new Privacy Policy on the Website.
    • The Controller may publish links on the Website to allow the users to directly navigate to other websites. This Privacy Policy does not extent to websites operated by other entities which are independent of the Controller and the Controller is not responsible for processing of personal data by such other entities which operate other websites.